Thursday, 29 January 2015

Microsoft Office 2013:

                                     It is also called MS office 2013. MS office is a version Microsoft productivity suite for Microsoft windows. It is the replacement replacement of the Microsoft office 2010. It includes the basic software components for all kinds of office work. You will find Word, Excel, PowerPoint and additionally Microsoft Publisher and Access.
It is beneficial for home and students, business and also for Professionals. Start developing in 20010 and ended October 11, 2012 and Microsoft launch MS Office in 29 January 2013. This version is replacement of Microsoft Office 2010.

Microsoft Word:

                   In Ms Word we can create the document files. In which data and information about any organization stored or record.
Documentation like history, books etc.

In Ms Word we can:

Change the font of text
Change the size
Gives the bullets
Set the alignment of paragraph
Insert any pictures
Create tables
Gives hyperlinks for searching online    documents.
Bookmarks our pages
Change the page layout
Send envelops or mail documents
Provide the 3D

Microsoft Excel:

Microsoft excel 2013 provides the new methods to manage your data in workbooks.
In Microsoft excel new GUI provides the new easiest ways to perform the function.
Microsoft excel use to create the spreadsheets.
Microsoft excel 2013 is a powerful program that can use to manage, analyze, data effectively.

In Microsoft office excel we can:

In Microsoft excel worksheet to include 16,384 columns and 1,048,576 rows.
Excel is a program analyzes the numerical data.
In excel tables you can enter and summarize your data efficiently.
 In Microsoft office excel create the formulas more easily by using the Auto complete.
In excel 2013 you can summarize your data in new function like SUMIF, average IF.
Office excel 2013 was unable to create great-looking documents.
You can see the preview when you wish to prints.

Ms Power point:

      Ms PowerPoint use to create the presentation.

In power point we can:

Interface: revamped interface of this version.
Makes and see the easy effects without applying them.
Smart Art Graphic: create diagrams and their logical relationships.
Could text effects.
Could picture effects.
Could shapes styles and shapes effects.

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