Thursday, 5 February 2015


What is iExplorer? And what we use and how we use this? In this article first we know that what is iexplorer? This is the software that provides us the benefit for transferring your files from your Iphone, Ipod and any other apple products selectivity to create backup whether this is music file, photos, messages, Voice memos and any other data that you want to store as your backup on your computer. The iexplorer developed from the Mac operating system developers. This is the best software for store your data into your PC. You can plug-in your device like ipod or any other cell phone onto your computer and sync your all data into computer just clicking on one button.
It provides a best user interface. When you connect your device with computer its show all your data on the device like your pictures gallery, your music station, your messages and all data that you store on your cell phone. In this way you can also manage your all data.

How Use? :

When you connect your device with your computer then you can see auto play function of the iexplorer and you can see a window of interface of Iexplorer. Now you can see your all device data into this software and now you can also store that data on your computer or also manage all this data if you want see some picture you can see the picture, if you want to play some video that you save your device and you want to play it on your computer you can play it and watch it. And you can also share you computer data into your device. Just copy that file that you want to share or store into your device and past where you want to store that file. So download this software and enjoy.

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