Thursday, 19 February 2015

Java :

Java is a programming language. First time it was develop by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems and now java is the part of Oracle Corporation. Java programming language is mostly uses same syntax like C++ and C language. There are many sites and applications that we cannot access without java installing in our systems. Java language is a fast source and reliable and java developed many applications for example java created our desktop applications, web application, cell phone applications and many other device. In short java is everywhere.

Where java use:

We use java language in many types of applications and systems we use java in network application, there is a large number of web applications that we can’t access without java. Java use in mobile application like in these days we see android applications and many other different applications for cell phones these all applications are developed in java programming language. More than 9 million developers use java programming languages and java also use billions of devices.

Why Developers choose java.

Java programming language has been tested, extended, refined and proven by a dedicated community of java programming language developers. Java provides high performance application development and also provides us a easy source for developing our applications. Therefore many developers are choosing java programming language for developing their applications.

Java provide for developers:

Java provides to their developers they can write software on one platform and run it on any other platform.
Create programs that run many other devices or platforms like we can run these programs in web browsing and much more devices.
Java can developed server applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing and much more.

So if you want to learn java programming language you must watch these videos tutorials in Urdu/Hindi language. I hope you learn this programming language so watch tutorials and enjoy J

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