Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Multi SMS Script in PHP and java Script:

This post for those users that want to learn how to send SMS anywhere from the world free from your web site using PHP and Java Script. For example if you want to set an SMS activation system of your site if any person create account on your site and you want his/her account not activate whenever he/she not verify him/her self from their cell phone. We see many sites that send any code on our cell phone number and when we enter this code in site then our account will activate or then we can change our settings like password change etc.
This is a best way that you can provide you users for secure their informational data or personal accounts from hackers. We see when we create account on google, facebook, yahoo, hotmain and much more these types of sensitive sites these all verify their users viva SMS cod notification. In this way they can provide us a best way of security and also secure our all personal data or information. So if you learn PHP or java Script or if you are a web developer then you can use these scripts on your sites and send free SMS from your sites.

If you want anything like software, games or any problem that you have with your computer or any other IT problem then tell me in comment box I will solve your problem and also provide you the data that you want (softwares, games etc).

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1 comment:

  1. This blog is nice and interesting. Thanks for sharing those information it is really well and good. Java SMS Script


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