Monday, 9 March 2015


First of all we try to know and understand that is BitTorrent? And how it use? So BitTorrent commonly write as “UT” and it’s free and supported by close source bit torrent client and developed by Bit Torrent. This software is commonly used in today life the total user of Torrent is near about 10 million. This software is used as a downloading manager and this receive data from server and convert it into large number of packets and when downloading complete this manager merge all data and then we can use it.

How BitTorrent Works:

When we download a torrent file and start its downloading in BitTorrent software then this software connected server and receive data in the form of packets and its store all packets on that place that we want. BitTorrent also join these packets of data when this software is working and receive data packets. So in this way when our downloading completed we can see our completed file in our hard location. A big benefit of BitTorrent is when our downloading is stopped for any cause like disconnected your internet connection and any other power problem so your downloading start on last packet or we can say downloading resume when you start your system and start your internet connection.

Some Features:

Takes up very little resources
RSS, apps, and remote control
Official client
Lots of customization options
Ability to rate individual torrents.

Streaming (beta)                     
Antivirus protection                
HD media player                     
File converter              
Remote, secure access to files                       
Gain access to updates and cutting-edge features before anyone else.
 No Ads
As a Pro user and a supporter of µTorrent, you can enjoy an ad-free experience.[/b]
Micro Transport Protocol.
Protocol encryption.
Peer exchanger with the other torrent client.
Trackerless  Bit torrent support using DHT well-matched with the original Torrent client.
HTTPS tracks also supported by torrent.

This software is used mostly for large file downloading like you can download movies, games, software’s and much more large no of data with the help of BitTorrent application. You can also set you speed limit. For example if you want your torrent just use specific speed limit then you set your speed limit its used that byte speed that are you set in your setting. So download BitTorrent latest version and enjoy J

If you want anything like software, games or any problem that you have with your computer or any other IT problem then tell me in comment box I will solve your problem and also provide you the data that you want (softwares, games etc).J

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