Sunday, 8 March 2015

VMware 9 :

VMware is software you can run one or more Operating systems on same computer without rebooting your system. It is a very easy to use and user friendly software now you can run many Operating systems in your same computers without installing windows or rebooting etc. This software version is very easy and provides more features. It can run windows. Linux, Mac and much more operating systems. VMware also supports the network adopter bridging system that helps you to access internet on that Operating system that you use on VMware. You can also share USB device or any other physical device with VMware.

How It Work:

VMware can mount ISO file into virtual Optical Disc Drive in this way it can read ISO file and create a virtual display of other Operating system. When you install and make your profile of operating system then you can use always on your system without any wait of installing or Etc. This is very famous software for access different Operating systems.

System Requirements:

Any 64-bit or 32-bit with core 2 Duo, Xeon i3, i5, i7 or better processer.
Minimum Memory:
Minimum 2 GB RAM but 4 GB is batter.
Hard Disk space:
750 MB free Disk space for fusion at least 5 GB for each virtual machine.
Operating System:
Mac Operating System x 10.8 or later operating system X Yosemite Recommended.
Note: Microsoft office windows not included.
Download this software and enjoy this software and run different operating systems on your system. I hope you like my post.

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