Adobe photoshop cs3:
Adobe photoshope CS3 is an image software developed and manufacture by Adobe System Inc.Photoshop is considered one of the leaders in photo editing software.The software allow users to manipulate, re size, crop and right color on digital photos. The software is mostly popular among professional photographers and graphic designer. This extended viersion with specialized tools and features for the video, engineering, architecture, manufacturing, science and medical fields.
Improve Curves Adjustment.
Black and white adjustment command
Adobe Bridge SC3 Improvements
Clone Source palette and cloning preview
Camera Raw improvement
Quick Selection tool and Refine Edge Dialog
Automatic Layer Alignment and Blending
Smart Filters
User Interface Improvements
Brand new streamlined interface
Universal Mac application and speed improvements
Quick selection Tool
Refine Edge command
Auto-Align and Auto-Blend layers
Exposure adjustment layer
New Blending Moods
Device Central
Cunning Cloning Tool
Save for Web
Eyedropper tool
Brightness & Contrast
Camera Raw
Slightly better HDR (High Dynamic Range) Support
Vanishing Point
Batter PDF Handling
Adobe Bridge
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