Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Cain and Abel:

Cain and Abel is password recovery software for Microsoft. This software is very useful software for hacking software and also recovery your all types of passwords using some methods such as network packet sniffing cracking various password hashes by using methods like you can use Dictionary attack for recover your password and also for hacking any wifi or any other kind of password. You also use brute force and cryptanalysis attacks. We can use these all kind of methods for hacking any passwords or recover any type of our password.


WEP Cracking.
Speeding up packet capture speed by Warless packet injection.
This software has ability to record VoIP conversations.
Decoding Scrambled passwords.
Calculating Hashes.
Revealing password boxes.
Uncovering cached password.
ARP Spoofing.
IP to MAC Address resolver
Network password sniffer.
LSA Secret dumper.
Ability to crack.
LM and NTLM hashes.
This software can help you for hacking any kind of password you can easily hack your closely wifi password. If you want to recover any system password then you must use this software and use different methods for hacking and recovery of your password as you want to recover. I hope you learn about this software.

So download Cain And Abel software and enjoy the hacking and recovering all kind of passwords.

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