Saturday, 28 February 2015

ArcSoft TotalMedia Theatre Final:

Total Media Theater is your all in one media player for PC. You can play all types of videos on it for example you can play Blu-ray and DVD discs, AVCHD or any high-definition video files on your local machines or videos on UPnP server and online. It can cover all your need as you want to see in video player. In this version developers improve playback technology and it present excellent playback quality and also performance. Along with a brand new and modern user interface for windows 8, total Media Theatre brings an immersive video playing experience for you.

Cinema like blu-ray playback:

Total Media theatre’s smooth blu-ray playback and its feature support can’t be hammer.
Seamless integration into windows Media center makes blu-ray movie viewing possible for the whole family.
This software supported all three Blu-ray disc video formats (MPEG-2, AVC, and VCI).
You can also play 3D video files just clicking on few buttons.
This software fully supported 1080p Blu-ray format.

Brand New User Interface:

Software fully supported windows 8 including windows pro and standard.
Wirelessly play HD and Blu-ray videos on your PC to tv. means you can play videos on the TV devise from your laptop.
Touch screen interface for intuitive media control.

Watch Movie in Dazzling 3D:

You can play Blu-ray 3D movies including 3D, AVCHD 3D, 3D DVDs, Youtube 3D files and all types of other 3D videos files.
You can create 3D videos in real time from 2D videos and DVDs via ArcSoft Sim3D.

Some other Features:

There are many more feature of this software we discus just some basic features of this software and some are: you can watch movie in Stunning HD, you can play your all videos files smoothly, incomparable theatre quality audio effect. User friendly smart menu, magic view and perfect media management, enhance video quality, parental control, improve audio and also change region code.

System Requirements:

CPU : Intel core 2 Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40 GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ 2.4GHz.
RAM : 1 GB
Operating System : XP/ Vista / Windows 7 and windows 8.
Graphic Card : NVIDIA (GeForce 8600 GT), AMD (ATI Radeon HD 3600 Serirs), intel (Intel G45 Express Chipset).
Hard Drive : 300 MB.

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