Sunday, 25 January 2015

conecctify hotspot:

Connectify hotspot for pc is a software that Developed by Connectify Company. This software is use for make your laptop or PC as a router. You can connect with internet on your wifi device over used connectify.


          In 2009 the connectify company get an idea for the connectify hotspot when the development team testing there Army base wireless network when company introduce the wireless network system that can connect with or send message from one destinations to another destinations. This system hardware quality was very good it’s also include the army  vehicles and connected wirelessly over mails away.

What is conecctify hotspot:

                                    Connectify hotspot is a software router for your windows computers or laptops. You can share your computer or laptop internet connection as wi-fi on your mobile or other laptops or also any other wireless supported devices. Its means its work as a router that transfer the internet from the other devices or systems that are allow for connecting this internet.
            Connecctify hotspot is a power full routing software its used the “virtual Wi-Fi” technology that Appearance in windows 7 first time. Connectify hotspot is a good example of powerful router (DNS , NAT and DHCP) its can share all kind of internet connections like if you use Line card and have a wireless car also in your system for example if you connect your laptop with a cable internet then you can share your internet connection with the help of connectify hotspot also like that you can share your Wlan connection , USB devices internet connections Like EVO or any other 3G or 4G USB’s. Download connectify  hotspot with crack and enjoy..

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