Friday, 30 January 2015


Cyberlink’s  Youcam 5 has always been about the cool side of webcams. It is giving you a broad variety of unique effects to cheer up your video chat with family & friends.
A lot of new and old amazing effects are present in it to enhancing your video with backdrops of falling snowflakes; animated birthday cakes or bunches of flowers which will make your chat to much interesting.

 Amazing Features

Following are the features available in this version of Cyberlink Youcam.

Face Login

Register your face with Cyberlink Youcam’s facial detection software, and use it to log in to windows and sign in to your preferred web sites.

Face Out

Enable the face out feature and have your system lock, sleep, or hibernate mechanically once your face leaves the webcam picture.

Create Presentation Videos

Generate custom presentation videos that contain PowerPoint slides.

Dual Webcams

Allow two webcam video inputs at a time for video videos recording and conferencing.

Intel Quick sync Video Optimization

Leverage Intel Quick Sync Video Technology to encode HD video into the H.264 (MP4) format includes visual effects.

HD Desktop Recording

It can capture videos of your screen activities on your computer in HD. The HD effects are much realistic.

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