Sunday, 25 January 2015


          Microsoft Office 2007 is also called as MS Office 2007.It is better than the previous version of MS Office. It includes the basic software components for all kinds of office work. you will find Word , Excel, PowerPoint and additionally Microsoft Publisher and Access.
It is beneficial for home and students, business and also for Professionals.

Microsoft Word:

Microsoft word offers several features for document creation and editing such as,
Use a style for every element in the document, plus graphics, tables, and lists
Live preview
Direct formatting
Recognize list, table, and graphics styles.
The difference between paragraph, character,& linked styles
Text-level features such as bold & underline
Spell check
External support

Microsoft Excel:

                    Microsoft Excel is a part of Microsoft Office. It is probably the most commonly used spreadsheet in the world. The main features are.

 Cell style
 Formatting and Editing from the home tab
 Charts right from the insert tab
 Format as tab
 Page layout view
 Style Galleries
 Live Preview

Power Point:

Smart art graphics
Custom Slide Layouts
Text Effects
Chart Improvements
Image Effects
Choice and Visibility Task Pane

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