Monday, 26 January 2015

Protect Your Eyes from Computer Screen 

                         If you like my share then doesn’t forget like my page and also follow us on facebook. Today I share with all you gays best software for peoples that use laptop or PC a lot of time in a day. We all know that usage of laptop or any other these type of technology damage our eye side. Its means the usage of that type of technology is very harm full for our eye side.

How affect technology:

                     The screen exposure harmful rays that effect our eyes very badly. That software protect these type of all harm full beams. And also its make your computer screen look like the room you are in that time. You can add the setting of your system like sunset time setting and when the sun sets, it make your computer look like indoor lights. In the morning it make your computer screen look like sunlight again.

How work:

             You just tell this software that what kind of lighting you have? And what kind of lighting you want to look on your screen and where you live and then forget about this. It will do all the performance automatically. For example when you use your computer in morning time its make screen look like sunlight. And if you use your computer afternoon or noon time its make your screen look like your room light and also at the night time its make your computer screen look like your indoor light.
It is very useful software for every person. So install it on your computers and save your eyes.

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