Sunday, 25 January 2015

Surfing Tunnel Setup free download

                                                Surfing Tunnel is a software for PC and its use for brows those website that’s locked in your country. This software is easy to use for users when you install Surfing Tunnel in your PC and dabble click on its desktop icon and press just start button and change some little setting of your pc then you can use it and brows the lock sites. Surfing Tunnel is the better software then other software’s because other software’s are slowdown your PC performance and also slow browsing websites, But the Surfing Tunnel is the most excellent software for high speed browsing and buffering. Surfing Tunnel do not any effect on the browsing data or any kind of buffering videos. For Example if you use any other software and open youtube and want to see video buts its playing speed is extremely slow but if you use Surfing Tunnel software then you can see its don’t effect on your internet speed and you also don’t see any kind of advertisement and any bandwidth perimeter.

   How Surfing Tunnel Works:

                                                          Surfing tunnel changed your IP address also hide IP address, your pc will connect with other server and with the helping of this server you can open that’s kind of sites that’s lock in your country.
                          First of all you need to install the application of Surfing Tunnel and then press the start button. After that, write down start search bar “Run”, and you see a window then type in Run search bar “inetcpl.cpl” and then press enter. Now you can see a new window of “internet properties”.
        Now see the tab bar and press the “Connections” button and now click on LAN setting and then open a new window now under the “proxy server” check the “Use of proxy server for your line” and also second check button “Bypass proxy server for local addres” and type in address box “”and port box “6006”. Now press ok and then ok and enjoy the browsing.
Note: when you stop the Surfing tunnel then you must unchecked that two buttons otherwise your browser do not work.

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