Monday, 26 January 2015

Who is my WI-FI:

                                   The people that have wi-fi connection they are mostly feeling scare can any neighbor hack or wifi connection or any person use our network in our neighbor. In that case you must download this software.

Why care?

               If any person use your connection and do illegal activity can source you a big hassle. If any business wireless leaks then it make a big cause of leaking official data like documents and any other information.

Doesn't my router block hacker?

                                           Most routers can only tell you who is on your network on that time. If you check your router today and hacker attack on your router next week in that case he/she will do their work very well. So this is great software for blocking any other person means it can allow just that system that you want to add you network and don’t allow any other system to your network. If any other system connected with your network then it will alert you send a notification that a new system is enter on your software. So download this software and secure your network from the other peoples.

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