Monday, 26 January 2015

Window 10

                  Window 10 is the part of the window NT family of operating system. it is a personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft ,disclosed on September 30, 2014, it is planned to be released in 2015, and now-a-days it is in public for beta testing (it is a second phase of software testing).it is a most comprehensive platform ever for laptops, tablets, smart phones & desktop computers. More features regarding this were presented in an event held on January 21, 2015. Cortana integration within the operating system, new Xbox-Oriented features, an updated Office Mobile suite for small tablets & smart phones.


               User Interface & desktop

                                 The user interface changes its behavior depending on the type of device and available inputs, and provide transitions between interface modes on convertible laptops & tablets with docking keyboards, users are asked when the keyboard is attached if they want to switch to a user interface mode that is optimized for keyboard and mouse,or stay within the touch optimized mode. For non-touch devices the start menu is used as a part of desktop interface.

Online services 

                    Intelligent personal assistant Cortana,  as introduced on window phone. It is implemented as a search box located next to the start button. It uses a new web rendering engine internally referred to as “Edge”. Window 10 introduces a new web browser alongside Internet Explorer codename “Spartan”, both “Spartan” & Internet Explorer use the “Edge” engine by default.

Multimedia & gaming

                            It will provide heavy integration with the Xbox. Xboc smartGlass on windows allowing users to browse game library, it will also support streaming of Xbox One games over a local network.
        It will also support for the FLAC, HEVC, & Matroska media formats, allowing them to be opened in Windows Media Player.

This is a torrent file so first download torrent in your system

download windows 10 and also windows 7 usb bootable tool
or any other USB bootable tool
install and enjoy.

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