Thursday, 29 January 2015


Window 7 is an operating system which is designed to accommodate the daily users or large corporate offices. It will make everyone glad with stunning visuals, pins, helpful snaps, snipping tools and much more. Most computers now-a-days come with 2GB of RAM and window 7 has the same requirement for top performance.
If your system does stop working, window 7 has the ability to analyze and trace out what caused your system failure.
With the help of window searching you can fill find all your downloaded files.  It can find any file and folder, even you don’t remember its original name and place .you can also search help for help topics for extra help.

Windows 7 Ultimate:

                     Windows 7 ultimate is the home addition of Microsoft windows 7. There is deferent between a professional and ultimate (home addition). The interface and graphics are changed in this version of windows. If you have your PC so you must download it on your system.


Live Taskbar Previews can help you to see actual images of all your open files or programs. One click you can see the full screen image.
Pin your favorite files to the taskbar
You can search any file with the help of window search
Jump list can open anything quickly
Snap windows for quick comparisons
Calculator upgrades
Paint upgrades
Touch screen support
Share anything with homepage

System Requirements:

1GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
1 GB RAMS (32-bit)/ 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Video card
DirectX 9 graphics processor with WDDM 1.0 or later driver.

Other Requirements:

Advance graphics hardware and extra memory for video playback.
For Window Media Center functionality aTV tuner and other hardware required.
Tablets require specific hardware.
CD/DVD authoring requires a well-suited optical drive.
Sound requires audio output.

This is torrent file so you need to install torrent first.

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