Sunday, 8 February 2015

18 wheels of Steel Extreme Trucker:

18 wheels of steel extreme Trucker is a driving can you can play this game and test you driving skills to the severe from corner to corner five different locations like treacherous mountain, Forest, Steep mountain, Frozen ice road, Vast battle through Montana, Bolivia, Northern, Territories, Australia, Bangladesh. You can enjoy the beautiful display graphics user interface and much more in this game. You can drive anywhere as you like to drive. Means no any location instructions are applying in this game.
You can load your truck and also test your drive for a loaded truck.

System Requirements:

 Before downloading you must sure your PC meet the minimum requirements system.
CPU : Core 2 Duo 2,0 GHZ.
Display Card: Geforce 8800 GS (minimum Quadro FX 3000).
RAM : 2 GB.
Operating System : Windows XP, Windows vista, Windows 7 and also 8.
Hard Disk space: 1 GB.

Download 18 Wheels of steel Extreme Trucker and enjoy the game J

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