Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Active partition recovery professional:

Active partition recovery professional is software for recover your data that you lost your system by mistake.This software is design for accidentally deleted partition means that if you lost your data from hard drive than you can recover your data with the help of this software.This software can restore data from any deleted partition or any logical drive like FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5 etc. You can also detect your hard drive and also detect FAT partition or NTFS partition with the help of Active partition recovery professional software. using active partition you can detect your last partition. you can also see the folder of your last partition means this software also show all last folders and files.

How Work:

Active partition recovery is a software that you can run and install both system on DOS and Windows. You just need to install and run in your system and than after this you must chose the option what type of you select recover if you want to recover whole last partition then select whole drive recovery option otherwise select one or more than logical drives that you want to recover. 


This software provide you the information on the physical and logical drives.
Active partition recovery professional software id supports IDE, ATA, SATA, SCSI disk.
This can also supported files systems FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS and NTFS5.
this software also supports for drives with large amount more than 128 GB.
Detection of remote primary and extended partition volumes and scan section defeated by a virus or with damaged MBR.

Install Note:

Extract file and run setup.
install program.
copy crack folder contact and past it to the software installed directory.
enjoy the software.

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