Wednesday, 4 February 2015

AIM messenger:

Today I am going to share with all of you a best messenger. AIM messenger stand for AOL Internet Messenger, AIM is the second generation release of AOL Internet messenger. The AOL Internet Messenger (AIM) release in 1997 by America Online.  Using the AIM friends list features, see your friends are online or not and send them online message. The new design takes instant messaging to the next level. In the screen name linking Mobile IM, Address book and much more. Immediate messaging is the more powerful and more easy and also more fun for users.

Some Features:

Offline AIM:
Don’t miss the messaging just because of you are busy that time. Now AIM can retrieve you messages when you are offline. Means when you are offline and yours friends send any message for you and whenever you come online then the AIM retrieve your messages and show all that messages.

AIM Grouping:
AIM grouping is the best way to connect all you mutual friends in one window interface. You can make group for connect all your friends in same time. It make you social life much easy and happy.

AIM Logging:
Now you don’t worry about that what your friend said in last conversation. You can save your all conversation save on your computer and always remember that what said your friend in last conversation.

Picture Sharing:
Now you can share your pictures with your friends by using AIM. The new Dreg- and-Drop function makes it easy much more.

 Friend list:
Now AIM messenger have some new features for adding friends in your list  like you can now store 1000 friends in your friends list.

AIM Pages:
Now AIM has some new features for making your profile more beautiful and attractive. The profile looks like beautiful and more attractive like you can set your display picture and store your information. So download this software and enjoy the messenger.

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