Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Best Keylogger 1000 Cracks:

Keylogger is software that has the capability to store every keystroke that we make in our systems in the form of log files. It means the keylogger software is best software that copy all log files data and provide us the data of any person that we want. The keylogger can record email, instant message and any information that we type at any time using your keyboard.

Keystrokes Recording:

Record every keystroke that typed in any application it’s also record date and time that tell you when this information will be typed. And it’s also told who will type the information.

Websites Recording:

It will also record the website data information like who will use website and tell us about every accessed web page on web browser. Means also save record web URL of viewers.

Chat and instant message recording:

The keylogger also save the all chat conversation record that any person chats on computer. And clicking on one button and you will see the all record of computer that you want to hack. It will show the both messages means sender and receiver conversation. With the help of keylogger you can get records of AOL, ICQ, Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger and much more.

Application Recording:

Keylogger can record the application and program data that we use on computer. You can get information of person that tells you who person use system and what he/she do on system.

Printing Activity Recording:

Keylogger also record the data of printing activity and also tell us printer name and number of printed pages and also documents.

Logon/Logoff Recording:

Keylogger also provide information that tell us about the information means who and when use the system and when system Logoff.

Clipboard Monitor:

Keylogger also record the data of clipboard means provide information whose data will be cut or copy on the system.
It’s also providing information about File/folder monitor, Email reporting and recording, invisible Mode, Hot key and password protect and also Find Keyword.

So download this software and send files from your targets and get their all data that you want.
If you want anything like software, games or any problem that you have with your computer or any other IT problem then tell me in comment box I will solve your problem and also provide you the data that you want (softwares, games etc).

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