Thursday, 5 February 2015

Skype video recorder:

Today m going to share with of all you best software for record your Skype video chat. Peoples repeatedly asked for software that has the capability for record there Skype conversation. So today for all of these peoples I am going to share with all you the software “Evaer Skype video recorder”. This is very easy to use. Whenever you want record some Skype conversation so just start the application and set the storage place and save all of your conversation.

Discus some Features:

The Evaer Skype video recorder have the best quality for store your original Skype videos and also audios data and record all your data with highly quality.
This software is supports recording signal of the Skype videos conversations. Skype screen sharing and more than 10 way for Skype videos calls means you can also record your Skype group conversation.
This software is record your all skype calls directly to you system hard disk drive with picture-in-picture, side-by-side, separates files, record audio only, record you local webcam only and also record remote webcam only.
It can also change recording videos coded and video resolution. It can supports 240p, 360p, 480p, 720 and 1080p videos qualities.
It has capability for save automatic your video message and also skype voice message to your hard disk drive.
This software stores your video conversation into Mp4 or AVI file.
 It can automatic record mp3 file if audio call only.
It has also capability for answering machine for Skype and voice incoming calls that you have.
Automatic chat replay
This is easy to use software with friendly user interface.
In short it can provide all of you a best way to store your Skype conversation to your hard disk drive.

Download Evaer Skype video recorder free and enjoy.

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  1. Great post! I hope you will share more with us. Thank you! . Visit More Info :- Skype support

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