Friday, 6 February 2015


This book has been developed by and for security professionals who are dedicated to
working in an ethical and responsible manner to improve the overall security posture
of individuals, corporations, and nations.


The goal of this book is to help produce more highly skilled security professionals
who are dedicated to protecting against malicious hacking activity. It has been proven
over and over again that it is important to understand one’s enemies, including their
tactics, skills, tools, and motivations. Corporations and nations have enemies that are
very dedicated and talented. We must work together to understand the enemies’ processes
and procedures to ensure that we can properly thwart their destructive and malicious

The authors of this book want to provide the readers with something we believe the
industry needs: a holistic review of ethical hacking that is responsible and truly ethical
in its intentions and material. This is why we are starting this book with a clear definition
of what ethical hacking is and is not—something society is very confused about.
We have updated the material from the first and second editions and have attempted
to deliver the most comprehensive and up-to-date assembly of techniques, procedures,
and material. Nine new chapters are presented and the other chapters have been

If you are ready to take the next step to advance and deepen your understanding of

ethical hacking, this is the book for you.

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