Wednesday, 18 February 2015


NJRAT is software released in June 2013 NJRAT is a Anti-malware software and also create malware files for hacking purpose. It can also damage your data so use this at your own risk. J

How work:

Today we can see many methods are used for hacking our data or our accounts mostly we see phishing pages attacks. Phishing page attack, in this method the hacker sends any fake file and we put our information on this page and hacker receives all our information that we provide to the hacker. NjRat also protect from phishing page attacks. It can also create these types of attacks for hacking any person information. I recommended all of you, first see youtube tutorials fot NjRAT and then use it because this software can also hack your system data or crashed your data. You can find many tutorials for this software and it’s easy to use I hope you gays understand this application.
Download this software and enjoy hacking J

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