Thursday, 5 February 2015

TeamViewer is a software that is a package for the remotely access the two different systems that connected with internet. With the help of this software you can access other system as Remote control, desktop sharing, and online meeting with other system, web discussion and you can also share your files with your friends and also received that files that your friends send you on your ID. This software is available for Windows operating systems, Linux operating systems, Mac operating systems, Android operating systems; Windows phone operating systems, Windows RT operating systems and also blackberry operating systems. You can also access the other system while you use web browser, means you can use web browser for access your friends systems. The main function of the software is remote control access the other machine. There is three different versions are available in the market of TeamViewer Non-Commercial Users, Business Users and also corporate version is available in the market.

How its work? :

It is simple software and very easy to use after downloading and installing this application you can see a new icon on your desktop screen. Run this application and now you can use two different methods for using TeamViewer fist is you can make your personal account for connected your friends systems. And secondly you can connect with other machine with the helping of that ID’s that’s providing your software. Now you can send or write your other machine ID in the box and star online sharing your screen and also see the other machine screen and now you can also access other machine. You access other machine like that you are using your own machine in front of your eyes like your own system screen. The whole desktop of the other system show on your system screen this function is called remote access system. Download TeamViewer latest version and enjoy

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