Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Viber for you windows:

Viber can send your messages quickly and voice calls and also share your pictures, videos, audios and your documents. Viber developed by Viber Media for the direct messages. Basically viber software is developed as the smart phone application but now company introduced its windows version now you can install in your windows operating system and contact everywhere where you want freely. This software is also available for Mac Operating system, Android Operating system, Blackberry Operating system, IOS, Series 40 symbian, bada, windows phone and also for windows Microsoft versions. Viber works on both connections systems like 3G/ 4G and WiFi. Viber requires first your phone application registration. Means if you have your phone registration then you can use windows version of viber. Viber has its active users near about 280 millions.

How viber works in windows:

First of all you need to install viber application in your cell phone device and register it in your mobile. After that you need to install on your windows system and write your phone number that you have already registered on viber. After that viber send a code on your cell phone number and then you need to type these codes into windows application. When you type your code in windows system application then enter and now you can use viber on your system.

Some Features:

The main feature of viber is that, it is an android smart phone application when introduce first time in market. And now the viber company updates its new versions for other operating systems. Now you can contact to your friends from anywhere as you want. You can send also multimedia files like you can share your pictures you can send your audio files, you can send your videos files and also you can send your documents files like office files.

So enjoy Viber latest version for your PC and enjoy 

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